Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Camping Munchies

Just got back from almost a week of camping, and boy does all that tent pitching and swimming down river make you hungry! I spent Thursday through Monday in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with my boyfriend's family for some good ole' R&R. My contribution for the trip was homemade trail mix and chocolate chip cookies. (Recipes are to follow don't you worry.) We had the typical hamburgers, hot dogs, steak and marshmallows over the fire, but the yummiest meal I had on the trip was probably breakfast Saturday morning. His parent's whipped up eggs over-easy with bacon and toast all roasted to perfection over the campfire. This morning's cereal just didn't compare after that =(

Trail-mix Recipe

(The amounts of the following ingredients are up to your discretion; it all comes down to preference. I added more M&Ms, almonds, and raisins because they are my favorite trail-mix essentials)
Dried pineapple
Dried cranberries
Dried blueberries
Natural, unsalted almonds
Honey-roasted peanuts
Natural, unsalted walnuts
Dark chocolate M&Ms
Toss all ingredients well in a large Ziploc storage bag, seal tight for optimum freshness!

I'll post my chocolate chip cookie recipe soon, with some pictures of the trip!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The most delicious cupcake from Cupcake Charlie's

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My First Official Blog Post!

Hello fellow bloggers,
    I decided to start a blog so I could share my yummy findings (from many parts of New England, and the world) as well as my own concoctions that I whip up, with other foodies like me! I am a total amateur when it comes to blogging, which I hope isn’t too obvious (I promise I’ll improve as I go), but that won’t stop me from spreading deliciousness! I hope to post lots of pictures and recipes so all of you can enjoy some of the tasty food that I have experienced, and maybe even recreate it for yourselves. I am no connoisseur when it comes to food; all I know is that I love the experience that food has always given me, both in the creation and consumption of it. Maybe my love for the savory to the sweet will inspire others to take their taste buds on an adventure.

Hope to start posting soon,

Happy eating!