Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Non-traditional Labor Day Dinner

     Labor Day is the last hurrah of summer time fun; typically filled with a day of grilling hamburgers and hot dogs while soaking up the last few rays of sunshine. This year, a backyard BBQ just wasn't in the cards for me.
     My grandparents own a summer cottage in Fairhaven, MA, right on the beach. It's pretty much a 15/20 minute drive to the nearest shops and restaurants; and even though normally, I never want to leave my spot on the beach for anything-one of those restaurants is totally worth it.
     The Pasta House on Alden St. right off the highway in Fairhaven is beyond yummy! I was going to take a picture of my Eggplant Parmesan to show all of my fellow bloggers (read non-existent followers) but I was already chowing down before I realized I had meant to take out my camera first. Eggplant is my favorite food of all time, so it was no wonder I was so quick to dive into another rendition of my favorite comfort food. But I'll be back soon, so I'll be sure to photograph generously then. They're all about Italian cuisine, and boy are they good at it, even their house salad has pasta on it, how can you go wrong!?

http://thepastahouse.net/ <<Highly recommend checking them out
**Picture taken from The Pasta House Facebook page

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